Our "Goliath".....
Some of the beams in the barn are over 32 feet long, which is unbelievable.
This past week has surely been a whirlwind at "The Farm." The floors are starting to be laid in the barn and the big front wooden doors have been installed. (I have some updated pictures below.) Anyone who has gone through a renovation can probably relate that at times there just seems like an endless list of things that need to get done. This week we have been working on all of the little details that will make a big difference. The final design of the glass doors, what will the stain color be on the exterior and interior. We took some time this weekend to meet with an old friend who will be helping us with the landscape design. We're also beginning to plan the electrical work, do we burry the lines do we upgrade the panel? All of these things need to be decided, while at the same time trying to maintain on track with our budget. In addition to the Barn details, we also are so excited about the bakery. We have been getting more orders for fundraisers and the farmers markets are really starting to take off. All of that being said, Chris and I are both balancing full-time jobs that we love and the bakery/barn renovation are what I would call more of our passion. Sometimes we get into bed and wonder "Are we doing the right thing?"
This morning we had to take a step back and re-set our priorities. The girls came in our room this morning after they woke up and we really felt like we needed to spend some time with God as a family. Of course the first thing they asked is "Can we watch TV?" We told them before doing anything we need to spend some time with God, so go get your bibles and come back to our room. Miss. Charlie our 4 year old, almost 5 year old had her little bible and we asked her what story she wanted to read, she turned to the story of "David and Goliath." So we read the story in her kids bible, then read it in Gracie's bible which is a little older version and then Chris read it in his bible. (1 Samuel 17) I can't tell you how many times I've heard that story and read it, not only as a child, but also an adult. But today, it was like I was hearing it for the first time. As Chris was reading the words, I started thinking about how often we limit God's power, do we really believe we can beat a huge giant like "Goliath?" This little shepherd David was the only one who was brave enough and trusted in God with every piece of his heart that he would beat Goliath. I kept asking myself if I was witnessing this in real-time what would I be thinking? Here you have this tiny shepherd who is going to take down a giant with a single stone and a sling shot. I guess my whole point of this story is that we all face "Goliath's" in our lives, that distract us, defeat us and take our focus of our one and only priority which should be "God." If we keep him our main priority, whenever "Goliath" comes our way, we will no doubt be able to overcome it, not by our own strength, but by the living God who works through us.
So this week as we start another crazy week of to-do's and endless tasks, I pray that we continue to keep God at the forefront. Let him guide our actions, our decisions and plans to make sure we accomplish all what he wants us to do, and not sweat the small stuff. So we are once again giving our "Goliath" over to God and trusting he will guide us every step of the way. We are so excited to see the finished project and are even more excited to host our first Wedding!!!
-Becca & Chris
"You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied."
1 Samuel 17:45-46